Birthdays and Contest Prep

So I just finished my 26th bday celebration weekend. The theme was “Tie Dye and Tiaras” and we had an epic party at my friend’s house for our joint birthday celebration. I went in with the greatest of intentions:

  1. No drinking. I even brought BCAA’s to curb cravings and lots of calorie free club soda to keep me going
  2. Try not to eat everything in sight. Even though I did have my scheduled cheat meal for this night, I was going to try to keep in within some kind of reason
  3. Drink water, water, water

Wellll it didn’t go exactly like that… first of all I brought my favourite treat to the party to have as my cheat (a delicious oat fudge bar from Starbucks) to make sure I would be thoroughly satisfied with the one bad meal I have per week. That was great, the oat fudge bar basically completes my life. Then I just ate some vegetables, pita bread, and cheeses from the gourmet snack table. But then… my two best friends showed up that I haven’t seen in a very long time with our favourite wine and my favourite cupcakes.

Needless to say, I cracked.

I had my bodybuilding friend with me and he told me since I’ve been so committed and will continue to be after this night, it’s fine – I would survive. Aaand I’m sure I will. I’ve decided to just embrace the hiccup and on to the next.cakeIt’s funny I actually thoroughly enjoyed my egg whites the next morning after going crazy on junk food. It was like a detox! Aand the ensuing hangover that made my hour long cardio session an absolute living nightmare reminded me exactly why alcohol is a no-no during contest prep. Soo I am back on the straight and narrow, more focused than ever, and ready to hit the gym today for Monday Leg Day.

tie dye 1


  1. Deniza · August 4, 2015

    Hi! I really like your blog and I am curious for your progress! Heidi Somers is awesome, as a person and I’m sure she is a great trainer! Keep going girl! :*

    Liked by 1 person

    • cjmacd101 · August 4, 2015

      Thanks so much Deniza! Yes Heidi is amazing, she was my whole inspiration for this! Im glad you liked the blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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