Round 2

After competing in October in my first bikini competition, I am now officially hooked. It was a very cool experience – I definitely learned a lot about my body and so much about the science of fitness, losing weight, and gaining muscle. It’s funny the things that surprise you at your first show, the main random things for me were:

  • How hard it is to not only stand there for 10 minutes flexing all your muscles, but to smile authentically for that long!
  • How the nerves totally go away, it feels very natural to be up there (or maybe you’re just so starved and water deprived that you’re in a daze)
  • How no one looks like the bikini girls I follow on Instagram (except maybe one)
  • How nice all the girls are – they’re all in the same boat and it was very cool to talk about how hungry we were and how many cookies, pies, pancakes, burgers we were going to eat after the show.

In the end, I was super proud of myself. Did I look exactly how I thought I would look? No. (I totally thought in 16 weeks I would look exactly like all the Instagram girls I follow – who have been lifting for 5 + years). Did I legitimately put in as much effort as I could have? Yes. That is really my measure of success – could I have done any more than I did in the frame of mind that I was in. And looking back, I know that even though I did have that extra spoonful of peanut butter pretty often, I needed it at the time. It was my first show and mentally that’s where I was at and I’m good with it. In the end I lost 30 lbs and 24 inches which is actually astounding to me. What’s nice is this prep I don’t have nearly as much to lose and I have a much better grasp on what is actually happening now.

Post – competition (lessons learned)

Immediately after my competition I ate a box of chocolate chip cookies and we went to Denny’s to eat their epic chocolate peanut butter pancakes. They were delicious and what I had been waiting for for at least 10 weeks.

And then… the next day was thanksgiving, so I proceeded to have 2 separate thanksgiving dinners and copious amounts of delicious pie.

After three days of fat food, I basically got back on the wagon and start counting macros. I was planning to reverse diet this way by slowly increasing my macros every week until I got to a maintenance level.

Lesson 1 – don’t go straight from bro-science to IIFYM

Because I was on a clean eating (bro science) plan, switching immediately to counting macros with no restrictions on what foods to eat was probaabaly not wise to do right away. I’ve learned that in order to successfully reverse diet (especially from an extremely clean diet) you need to progressively add back in foods your body has been deprived of so as not to shock the system.

Either way, I still managed to keep my weight at a reasonable level and am at a good place to start my next prep (100 times better than I was at the start of my first prep).

Needless to say, when I started my first prep, I really had minimal knowledge about what I was about to partake in. I was given a diet and workout plan and I just followed it without knowing much of the theory behind the process.

Lesson 2 – do your research

Throughout my prep, I did a lot of research to learn more about mainly the diet side (and the body composition side) of the equation. Some key things I’ve learned that now help me make perfect sense of the diet my coach has given me:

  • You need to be in a caloric deficit of 500 every day to lose 1 lb per week, 1000 calories deficit to lose 2 lbs per week
  • Every gram of protein = 4 calories, every gram of carbs = 4 calories, every gram of fat = 9 calories
  • Carbs are not just bread and pasta! Fruit has carbs, sugar IS carbs! I know this may sound incredibly obvious to some, but it’s amazing how few people actually understand the most basic principles of nutrition
  • Every vegetable will affect your digestion differently – experiment until you find the ones that don’t cause bloating, digestive issues
  • The Glycemic Index – this explains why sweet potatoes are considered better than white potatoes, why whole wheat is better than white bread, and why unprocessed is preferable. In the simplest of terms, the higher GI foods cause your hormones to store fat – the enemy of all bikini competitors and body builders alike.
  • The general desired BMI for bikini competitors is between 19.5 – 20.5 (according to experts), so this is helpful in knowing how much weight you have to lose (and what your caloric intake should be at) to reach your goal weight.

In the end, for me, knowledge is power and I now feel much more prepared, in control, and excited to start the process for the second time.

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4 weeks out!

So the time has come, only a month left to go! It`s actually astounding how quickly the time has gone by. Even though at the beginning of the week I think OMG 6 more days until my cheat meal, it`s actually so fast between them.

I had my first posing lesson yesterday and it was with the most amazing couple, they helped me so much not just with the posing, but giving me some confidence and helping me figure out all the little details I`ve been stressing out about! You don`t think about hair, makeup, shoes, tan as things to be stressed about but those end up being the things that feel overwhelming.

I`m competing out of town so I didn`t know where to look for someone who`s not only great at hair and makeup but is experienced at doing it for the stage. These people hooked me up with all of these contacts which was great. That`s one thing I know for next time – find a support system of people in the industry, they can be so helpful and it is much easier with people to lean on that really get it!

I`m really happy now with the way my body is looking, I`m starting to feel that I will actually be ready in time (apparently this is a thought that most first time competitors have many times).

My bikini is being shipped as we speak so I`m super excited to see what it will look like and hopefully it will fit me!

My diet now is basically all fish, chicken, veggies, oatmeal, egg whites, and tiiny amounts of carbs throughout the day. It`s pretty funny to see the look on the cashier`s face at the grocery when this tiny girl walks up with like a bodybuilder`s cart full of food lol they don`t understand it.

What I can say is that I`m actually really excited for the competition now. Before I mostly felt anxious and unprepared but now I`m really looking forward to getting all glammed up and walking out there! I may even be coerced to do the show that`s a couple weeks after mine, I guess I`m addicted already!

Boats, Bikinis, and Birthdays

So it was official birthday this Sunday. I am now 26 – legitimately now on the back half of my twenties. I had my big celebration last week so I decided to take it easy on my actual birthday (and not be tempted by more alcohol and delicious foods) and just go out on the boat and for a light dinner. Luckily my cheat meal fell perfectly on my birthday so I was able to actually go out for dinner!

It’s funny, my sister was asking me where I want to have this epic bday dinner and I said I would let her know just before when I decided what my craving was at the moment (very important to me to satisfy my starving person craving!). Soo I was on the Stairmaster completing my hour long session, watching the Food Network – Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives (Yes I know, insane, but this is my new crazy thing I do) and it was all about greasy breakfast food. So I decided that was what I wanted more than anything – pancakes! I called my sister and we made a reservation at Denny’s for my fancy birthday night out.

Funny the difference a year makes – last year I had to be at the most chic, gourmet restaurant in town rocking my newest pair of heels (I’m a bit, A LOT of a shoe addict) and obviously a tiara. This year all that mattered was the joy that is pancakes! We still dressed up though of course, to the nines at Denny’s, it was definitely a sight! And I managed to find a stretchy dress that fit me as my whole closet is rapidly become unwearable as I lose weight. The people at my work have taken to calling me the “Homeless Painter” since all my pants are ridiculously big on me.

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A dress that fits! Don’t mind the rats nest hair – that’s basically what it looks like all the time now that I live at the gym. I am embracing it

Anyways back to the dinner – I have to say those pancakes were the best thing I have ever had in my life. Bar none. It was the perfect moment. I feel like everyone else was probbaaably a little uncomfortable interrupting me and my moment with my food, but they did ok. But I have to say I really do believe in the cheat meal concept. My coach Buff Bunny has cheat meals built into my diet right up until basically the end of my prep and I am very grateful for that. Not only does it give me my much needed weekly dose of food joy, but I really think it resets my metabolism and I wake up looking leaner the next morning.

The day on the boat was also great, it’s getting a lot easier eating my protein and veggies while everyone else chows down on BBQ. I think I have officially embraced this prep and I no longer feel rage when people eat delicious food next to me.

My bodybuilder friend has been working out with me almost every day for the last few weeks and that has been great! He helps correct my form and pushes me to work harder and do more. I never realized how much having a physical person there can really help!

All in all it’s been a great weekend, I got a great birthday haul (basically all workout gear AND a fit bit!), stuck to my meal plan, and spent time with all my favourite people on the lake.

Just 10 weeks to go!


Birthday Goodies!

Birthdays and Contest Prep

So I just finished my 26th bday celebration weekend. The theme was “Tie Dye and Tiaras” and we had an epic party at my friend’s house for our joint birthday celebration. I went in with the greatest of intentions:

  1. No drinking. I even brought BCAA’s to curb cravings and lots of calorie free club soda to keep me going
  2. Try not to eat everything in sight. Even though I did have my scheduled cheat meal for this night, I was going to try to keep in within some kind of reason
  3. Drink water, water, water

Wellll it didn’t go exactly like that… first of all I brought my favourite treat to the party to have as my cheat (a delicious oat fudge bar from Starbucks) to make sure I would be thoroughly satisfied with the one bad meal I have per week. That was great, the oat fudge bar basically completes my life. Then I just ate some vegetables, pita bread, and cheeses from the gourmet snack table. But then… my two best friends showed up that I haven’t seen in a very long time with our favourite wine and my favourite cupcakes.

Needless to say, I cracked.

I had my bodybuilding friend with me and he told me since I’ve been so committed and will continue to be after this night, it’s fine – I would survive. Aaand I’m sure I will. I’ve decided to just embrace the hiccup and on to the next.cakeIt’s funny I actually thoroughly enjoyed my egg whites the next morning after going crazy on junk food. It was like a detox! Aand the ensuing hangover that made my hour long cardio session an absolute living nightmare reminded me exactly why alcohol is a no-no during contest prep. Soo I am back on the straight and narrow, more focused than ever, and ready to hit the gym today for Monday Leg Day.

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